They over-trade, and get a little haircut here and a little buzz cut there, as the market vacillates back and forth. In a short time, if they do this long enough, they end up bald. Does a good stock market timing system get it right all the time?
I have never found one. But there are a number competent stock market trading systems available that make more money than the average person can make. If you are capable to get the timing services trade dates, you will consider at them and think email list, "Well, I could have done better than that." Indeed, you most likely couldn't - or you wouldn't be reading this article. You might consider the trades and think, why didn't they get in there? The market was going up there.
They would have made a lot more money if they had gotten in earlier. If you think like that, you are suffering from 20-20 disease. Or, perhaps, you should be renting out your time machine, or crystal ball instead of investing in the stock market. Some strategies just don't work Stock market timing services are not precise. Let's accept that fact. In fact, market advisers have stipulated that "buy and hold" is the way to invest.